Chaos and Cuisine!!

Follow the adventures of Sean and Katrina as they save the world, battle evildoers, and explore world cuisine!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Chapter 25 : Bangledesh

Exploring the food of Bangledesh is by no means easy. It is one of the many Mughal-influenced cuisines across India, and Bangledesh's complex history makes this venture by no means simple.

I must admit, a certain falseness to this. Bangledesh is a country immersed in rivers, yet few of those fish, or even equivalents, are available, or at least finding that information is by no means easy. So that focus on meat-based dishes, while perfectly Bangledeshi, doesn't entirely represent this complex country.

I also struggle with the identity of this country. In the last hundred years, Bangledesh has been part of British India, then Pakistan, and then its own nation. Despite once being part of Pakistan it shares a climate, and many dishes with the neighboring Indian state of West Bengal. (Previously Bangledesh was known as East Bengal or East Pakistan, further complicating the issue).

Of course, one need not go all that far into the past of many nations to find such intricacies, but Bangledesh is particularly forgotten, at least here in Midwestern America, where I suspect few people are very aware of this country, largely forgotten next to its more prominent cousins on the world stage.

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