Chaos and Cuisine!!

Follow the adventures of Sean and Katrina as they save the world, battle evildoers, and explore world cuisine!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

White Fungus Soup

Most Asian stores pack snow fungus. There is no substitute I know for this ingredients, and given its long shelf life and wonderful flavor, not to mention wonderful nutritional profile, should you try to replace it.

White Fungus Soup (based on this recipe)
Prep Time: 25 minutes
Cooking Time:
Serves: 4-6

1 package snow fungus
6 cups chicken broth
2 browned and shredded chicken breasts
1 cup peas
white pepper

Soak the fungus in warm water for fifteen minutes. Drain, place into a pot covered in water and bring to a boil. Boil it until it gets soft (around fifteen minutes). When it's finished, drain, and trim the "petals" from the hard inner body. Chopped the fungus into small pieces.

Heat the chicken broth and add the chicken, peas, snow fungus, and white pepper. Serve immediately.

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