Chaos and Cuisine!!

Follow the adventures of Sean and Katrina as they save the world, battle evildoers, and explore world cuisine!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Buddah's Hand

Where: China

There are things out there you cannot imagine. Slumbering in the heart of China, there exists a citrus fruit so bizarre you will have nightmare's of its tangled tentacles for the rest of your life.

The Buddha's Hand citron grows in China, India, and Japan where it is popular for its aromatic scent (sometimes used to scent rooms simply by hanging it) and its potent zest which, as you can see, it has tons of to give.

And because the bearers of it will be spared when C'thulhu awakens.

Don't be fooled. You could eat it, but not the pulp, for there's hardly any pulp hidden in the beast. Instead, the zest and event he white pith are edible. The pith lacks the bitterness of other citrus fruits, and entire "tentacles" can be sliced up and placed on salads.

Just don't turn your back on it!

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